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Meghri – Kapan highway’s Kapan Tsav part

Nov 10, 2017 uncategorized

Assignment name:

Arrangements of projecting and cost estimate works of construction Meghri – Kapan highway’s Kapan Tsav part

Country: Armenia

Location within country: Kapan – Tsav

Name of Client: Ministry of Transport and Communcation

Duration of assignment (months): 1


Narrative description of Project

Rehabilitation of existing highway Meghri – Kapan and construction of a new road Kapan – Tsav.  The length of rehabilitation and construction part of highway is 32km.

Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment

Review of previous studies; study of alternatives; land surveying and cartography; Geology, hydrogeology and quarries identification; climatology and hydrology; town planning; traffic volume; Geotechnics; alignments (layout and vertical profile); earthworks; pavement; drainage; structures and foundations; traffic detours during construction; traffic signs, road marking, traffic guidance devices and barriers; environmental impact, corrective measures and monitoring plan; landscape; coordination with involved agencies; land acquisition; conflict and relocation of existing utilities; work schedule; costs and financing; health and safety and setting out plan.