+ 374 10 24 16 42

Architecture & Civil Engineering


Internationaldesign practiceTRANSPROJECTCJSCprovides its clients with innovative
design solutions thatareboth functionalandinspiring.This isdemonstratedbythesuccessfuldeliveryofarangeof
high profileprojects within thecommercial workplace, hospitality,
mixed-use,education andsciencesectors.

Urban Planning

Our Urban Planing department strive to improve the quality of life for present and future
generations,both locallyandglobally, through planning,publicpolicyandsocial collaboration.Our
specialists help local officials alleviate social, economic, and environmental problems by recommending
locations for roads, schools, and other infrastructure and suggesting zoning regulations

Interier & Exterior Design

Besides the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering Department, the Transproject CJSC disposes a group of specializedengineers, whocarryout any typeof building, as houses, villas, office buildings, cafeterias, restaurants and other constructions in the preferred external and internal design. These specialists have great years of experience, which allows choosing and realizing any kind of hard work to impress and satisfythepreferencesof theclients. The numberofour clients is increasingalsoin this field.

Transproject CJSC provides comprehensive and complete design services beginning with an initial design concept through installation and detailing of final design elements tocompletetheproject. The company primarily works on master planning, landscapedesign andplacemaking,mixeduseand resorts, retaildesign andbranding,andinteriors.

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